Title: The Groovy Guide to Parenting Gen Y & Z
Author: Jamilah Samian
ISBN Number: 978-967-10430-0-4
From favourite TV shows and the way they speak to how they work, Gen Y and Z have habits different from other generations. Born wired, they seem to live in a different world. You may not even understand what they’re saying or doing, causing a generation gap. Ready or not, you need to deal with the Gen Y and Z in your midst – they are your nieces, nephews, cousins, kids, students, staff or bosses!
THE GROOVY GUIDE TO PARENTING GEN Y AND Z is straightforward and easy to read. The authors are professionals who understand fully well the challenges that come with parenting and managing Gen Y and Z. Learn how you can deal with attitudes Gen Y and Z grow up with:
- “I want it now.”
- “I deserve it just because.”
- “I’m entitled” … and many more.
Starting with Chapter 1: Gen Y and Z Are Fast Invading the World, you’ll discover 123 contemporary ideas to connect with two generations that eat, sleep and breathe the Internet. The book comes with a special note to teachers, lecturers and educators plus tips for how to manage and lead Gen Y at work. Understanding Gen Y and Z gives you the power to communicate effectively with them, paving the way to a smarter, happier and more successful you.
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