English Books

Adolescence: A Turning Point

Boys and girls undergo critical changes in their teens. These changes go beyond the obvious voice change and growth spurts. The teen brain undergoes a MASSIVE REVOLUTION, making new connections. It’s a time when boys, more than ever, try to fit in with friends.

When alone, they would reflect about life itself and try to make sense of the goings-on around them. In adolescence, boys search for an identity, trying to ascertain who they are. Because of the revolution that the brain undergoes, teen boys are not fully mature despite their appearances. They tend to be impulsive and take dangerous risks.

Not only that. Did you know that boys form habits that last a lifetime during adolescence? That’s why adolescence is known as the TURNING POINT. It’s when your son establishes the kind of person he will be as an adult. It’s like he has reached a crossroad with multiple intersections and he must decide which way he wants to go.

This is exactly why you need to pay particular attention to your teen son. Adolescence provides a window of opportunity for your son to change, for better or for worse.


About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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