Amir’s Story: Misunderstood and Struggling Amir, an 11-year-old with a quick mind and a vivid imagination, struggled in school. Reading felt...
Pernahkah anda terasa bimbang bahawa sikap tegas boleh merenggangkan hubungan antara anda dengan anak-anak? Anda mungkin khuatir, ketegasan akan membuatkan anak-anak merasa...
Adolescence is a critical stage in life. Think back to your own teenage years. Remember how everything felt so intense? There’s a...
Question: My 10-year-old boy didn’t do his homework. Every time I asked him about it, he ‘d say either “No homework” or...
Baru-baru ini saya terjumpa satu istilah baru: “Fitspiration”, berkait rapat dengan media sosial. “Fitspiration” adalah gabungan perkataan “fit” (cergas/sihat) dan “inspiration”...
The DISC model, developed by psychologist William Marston in the 1920s, is a tool for understanding human behavior. It categorizes behaviors into...
Social entrepreneurship is the practice of starting and running businesses with the primary goal of addressing social issues and making a positive...
Click here to read the English version “Masalah paling besar yang kami hadapi ialah, masing-masing terlalu emosi,” kata Sarah (bukan nama sebenar),...
Click here to read the Malay version “It’s the emotions bit that was a problem for both of us,” said Sarah (not...
Japan-Malaysia Cultural Exchange Program (CEP) 2024 Third Batch Official Organiser: Chiba Islamic Cultural Centre (CICC), Japan Click here to apply as host...