
Are You Stressed Out? Cool Mum Super Dad Parenting Survey

A few months ago, Cool Mum Super Dad Academy conducted a survey. Two of the questions were:

1) What are your TOP 3 biggest parenting challenges?

2) If you were to attend a parenting course, what would you want to learn most?

Cool Mum Super Dad Academy wishes to thank everyone who participated in the survey. You guys and gals are really awesome! The purpose of the survey is to gain insights on current concerns faced by parents. This is to help us identify the most effective programs to help you.

Please find the responses for the above questions below.

NOTE:  Responses are quoted verbatim (NOT edited) for authenticity.


QUESTION: What are your TOP 3 biggest parenting challenges?

1. Accepting and forgiving myself for losing control.
2. Applying and implement positive & gentle parenting approach (which I strongly believe in), when I was not raised with one.
3. Being patient and calm when buttons are constantly being pushed (i.e. child being defiant, too persistent and also being aggressive when he doesn’t get what he wants) and at the same time I am mad tired and snappy.
1. Trying to understand my boy
2. Managing their time with the internet, telephone & tv drama
3. How to help them with procrestination in works & study
1. To be a screaming free mom
2. To raise them to be a soleh child in this challenging era
3. To educate them the right way
time management
Sibling rivalry
Society judgment and outsider’s interference
Teenage crisis
Communication and patiences.
1. Communication
2. Overcome sulking issues
3. Digital gadgets
Understanding my child’s moods and how to respond to it. Sometimes I get it right sometimes i don’t.Not sure I am doing a good job of handling jealousies between them and I want to help them be good friends.Giving them quality time, on the many days when I am loaded with work in the home and with part-time jobs, looking after inlaws – no complaints I love them, but wish others would step in, help with cleaning whenever they visit instead of being like guests, I feel like Cinderella!! Really drains me out and my poor kids get cranky because I have not given them attention. I end up feeling irritable with the world! LOL!Allah will send me help soon!!
Fairness amongst siblings
Choice of education
Lure of technology
Making him listen to me espeacially when he is doing something wrong. He will kick or hit anyone who is trying to discipline him
Improving his eating habits as he is very choosy.
Potty training
1. Giving them adequate islamic education to prepare them to face the world alone2. Being fair to each and every one of them including not to judge/compare them with other better siblings3. Letting them make their own decision/mistakes.
Spend a quality time with them and give them the fullest love and care.
Time with the kids. Need more.
1. Dealing with teenage need
– Teaching children responsibility. How to instill that in them especially the younger ones as the older ones naturally are more responsible and younger ones tend to be more relax and irresponsible.
To fulfill Islamic approach in ICT era
1. to be agood listener
2. to scheduled good time for my children esp. weekdays
3. to fulfill childrens need nowadays
teach them what to do and not to do
teach them how to listen
understand them
1)To communicate well with them
2) To bring higher awareness as I
Am also not certain what I know best.
3) To acknowledged him and to celebrate with him other than Makan- Makan and token in monetary.
1. The lack of cooperation from the father. Father works long hours every day.
2. I scream too much.
3. That overwhelming feeling where you feel helpless when your kids doesn’t listen to you, makes you angry, etc.
Encouraging their cooperation
Instilling self discipline
– Financial.
– Difficult to find babysitter who is kind, caring and good in taking care of my son.
– Lack of sleep.
Kids are not interested in doing their,1) Homework
2) Housework
3) Solat
4) too addicted to internet
1. If my husband doesn’t really concern about parenting, so it’s hard for me to apply what I know about parenting to my children. 2. If my children reacts differently from what I expected.
Not enough air time with kids
Boosting my kids motivation to realize their fullest potential
Solat & Akhlak for the kids can be better
Son’s education
1. Control my child from doing anything bad
2. Educate my child on what is right and vice versa
3. Ensure that they are happy and as parent we are doing great
i) nowadays social problems
ii) physical exhaustion
iii) inconsistency with rules
Equal quality time
Frustration and handling anger
Dealing with mummy and wife guilt
1. children not listening to us
2. how to handle child who always feel scared
3. how to make them love n care their siblings
To get him to start learning solat.
To get him interested to read and listen to instruction.
To make him a more patient person.
1. Getting children to listen and value a discussion.
2. Getting children to focus on their daily chores and execute them. Follow a routine.
3. Getting children to study.
Indifferent to education
Don’t like reading
Not hungry to succeed
1) to teach good manners
2) to get her to be d’cipline
3) to get her cope well in studies
Children were not listening to us anymore, they have their own choices that hardly to give, other friends will influence them more.
1) Guiding them to become good muslim2) Guiding them to become a responsible person dealing with house chores.3) Guiding them to be more aware to the less fortunate people.
1) Anak2 tidak memahami kehendak dan matlamat ibubapa.2) aktiviti yg mereka lakukan tdk sejajar dgn landasan Islam. Cth : bersukan dgn Pakaian tdk menutup aurat dan tdk menjaga solat3) ank perempuan mudah termakan dgn rayuan cinta lelaki
Influence of internet to my children.
How to keep them dicipline and keep track of thier time effectively.
To ensure they grow up with moral values
Influence of internet to my children.
How to keep them dicipline and keep track of thier time effectively.
To ensure they grow up with moral values
Anak manja dan cepat merajuk kalau ditegur.
1. Children’s outburst
2. Children’s ego/riak
3. Children’s anger
1) to understand daughter’s’ ‘inner’ feeing
2) to make them understand why their mother sometime over worried
3) to let them ‘go’ and experience the world.
1.Mengatasi emosi anak remaja
2. To make the children undrstand the parents expectation
3. To instill positove attitide
1. The most challenging task is to make sure the children perform their solah really properly.. as best as they could.2. For them to be able to wake up in the morning themselves.3. To let them know the things they do now will affect themselves in the future, their own family later and the hereafter.Please highlight these in the teenage course.
To ensure their continous love of the deen
Moulding them to be people of benefit to others
Akhlaq and responsibility



If you were to attend a parenting course, what would you want to learn most?

sibling rivalry
1. Real life scenarios, success stories, real life struggles and having hope
2. How to instill good behaviors, good manners, self confidence, etc with current challenges (i.e, even the parents themselves are struggling). Practical tips and examples are highly appreciated.
3. Introducing money management and entrepreneurship to our children
How to get along with my son
How to be a good & screaming parent.
how to control anger dealing with childrens behavior, how do kids brain develop,
How to handle kids’ problem without stress
1. How to overcome digital technologies vs upbriging children
Understanding what makes my child moody or angry, how to respond to this, whether it stems from jealousy or what triggers it.
The 3 above
How to make your child listens to you.
How to make your child eats healthily.
How to potty training.
how to communicate with children.
How to treat our children patiently
How to convey loud and clear messages to children
Deal with teenagers’ issues
Learn to manage time from a busy parent perspective.
Maximise interaction in the time I have with them.
How to make your teenage kid listen to you
The above. I have younger siblings.
Averything about parenting
– be a good parents for my childrens
How to understand and teach them waht to do and not to do
1) How to make them excel in personality if we hv limited knowledge and resources in monetary .
The right way to do it. To guide my family to jannah.
Parenting teenagers
Parenting girls
– what is the best way to raise on our children especially in islamic way?
– how to do financial plan for our children?
How to start from the beginning (educating) since the kids are grown up
How to communicate efectively with children.
If can address the above challenges/outcome
closer relationship
How to manage my teenage son’s education
Because very important
Educating child in the most effective way
i) The effective approaches to communicate with children
ii) To strengthen personal development
Improve parenting skills
How to experience joy in parenting
learn to be patient as parents
learn to be ore loving
learn how the prophet muhammad teach/ treat kids
I want to learn how to guide my son to be a soleh person under circurstances that there are diffrent values between me & my wife of if so happened that I become a single father in the future.
1. How to get children on your side of thoughts. Not ‘copycatting’ but on own decision.
2. How to be calm and not anxious when getting them to get certain things done….like house
chores and school work.
3. How to ‘chill’ —- be on their side.
How to motivate children
How to recognise and develop their potential
How to develop chidlren in a holistic way
find ways to learn and explore more about our child, how to be their best buddy at the same time guide them with all the positive values
1. The mentality of children nowadays ranging from pre-school to kindie, and also teenage year.2. Is it really necessary to give them a smartphone or smart pad n how much shld it cost even if I’m super rich? I’m unable to catch up n not sure if it’s ok for teenager or primary school child to hv a rm 500-1000 phone. Is that too cheap. Shld I take into account the inflation rate? What’s the normal rate of a smartphone or normal a child shld or deserve to own given that they don understand how difficult it is to make money?3. What n how to build such open and ‘cool’ friendship with ur child that they voluntarily share whatever they hv in fb or even PW of fb account?4. What am I entitled to know and what r the thgs considered my child’s privacy?5. How to train my child to sleep on his own in ano room?6. How do I teach my son and daughter about the physical change in them. How to help them feel comfortable continue hugging the parents?
How was the muslim model family life showcase
Ways of guiding them to be a good muslim.
1) Cara berkomunikasi dalam keluarga dgn baik dan berkesan.
2) Mengawal perasaan cepat marah dlm hubungan keluarga.
3) Cara mendidik ank2 supaya lbh hormat2, bertolak2 dan mempunyai ikatan kekeluargaan yg kuat antara mereka.
How to be in control of potential situation that would be faced by teenagers.
How to be in control of potential situation that would be faced by teenagers.
How to handle anak tunggal yg manja.
1. How to develope anak yg sopan
– to raise daughters according to Islamic teaching
– to be able to be their ‘friend’ and yet never loose parental authority
– learn about things for self betterment in order to become better parent
To become good muslim parents.
The rigth language, words and intonation to talk with the children..Alternatives to screen activities (not TV, not IPAD/Tablets, NOT smartphones).. not listening to music…
How to steer the children towards excellence
how to develop the good attidude


About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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