Teach children the Law of Vital Few versus Trivial Many. To be a more effective spouse / parent / child, focus...
Teach children to be proud of their roots. Step out and discover the big world but never forget where you came...
Teach children that problems are gifts. God gives us problems to make us more resilient, and to give us the opportunity...
Teach children to think positively of Death. Death is a stepping stone to meet God The Beloved. Death is the door...
“It’s an eye-opener that I can and do have the potential to speak.” ~ ACTPRO1 graduate. It was full house...
Teach children the danger of rushing. Rushing is a chronic illness of modern life. When you rush your prayer, you fail...
Teach children never to say “I did it all by myself.” Believing that you succeed purely because of your effort...
Teach children never to look down upon others. Even if a person’s behaviour or appearance is improper in your eyes, you...
Teach children to have faith in God. Trusting God means to accept that certain things are beyond your control and understanding....
Teach children to accept criticism gracefully. Criticism is unpleasant to the ears, but taken positively, they might just be the thing...