Never make popularity a goal in your life. Never teach your children to seek popularity among friends at school, at work, or...
Teach children the secret of looking good. There will come a time in every boy and girl’s life when good looks...
Gratitude is a critical component of happiness. Each time you express gratitude, your happiness and life satisfaction move up a notch. People...
Setiap kali kita bersyukur dengan nikmat yang Allah kurniakan, sekecil mana sekalipun, tahap kepuasan dan kebahagiaan hidup yang kita rasai sebenarnya meningkat....
What would take you from “ordinary” to “extraordinary”? It’s that little “extra”. If you want to become an extraordinary family, ask yourself...
BEBERAPA KESILAPAN IBU BAPA ========================== 1. Kuat berdoa, kurang berusaha 2. Kuat berusaha, kurang berdoa 3. Sepatutnya kuat berdoa, kuat berusaha 4....
Apa juga keperitan yang dialami dan kesilapan yang dilakukan sebenarnya membuka peluang luas untuk anda mengenali siapa diri anda sebenarnya. Tanpa kesilapan...
Did you know that you can trick your mind to feel the way you want to? If you have been married for...
Jika anda inginkan keluarga yang lebih bahagia: 1) Bersihkan hati dari kebencian 2) Pilih kehidupan yang sederhana 3) Memberi lebih banyak daripada...
I got an e-mail from a son of mine yesterday. The title and text were in bold and caps. “[THIS IS A...