BE ADVENTUROUS. BE BRAVE. BE BOLD. Weekends are perfect to get courageous in the kitchen with your family. Even if you never...
Tahun lalu, kemurungan berada di tempat ke empat ”Punca Terjejasnya Produktiviti Dunia”. Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) menjangka kemurungan akan berada di tempat...
Last year, depression was ranked as the fourth leading cause of disability in the world. The WHO (World Health Organization) predicted that,...
If your child is demanding a lot of things and seems to be ungrateful for what he has, teach him to be...
To raise a happy and successful family, open-mindedness is key. Always strive to improve on the 5Fs : Faith, Fitness, Family, Finance...
Tabiat suka membanding-bandingkan anak-anak anda dari segi prestasi akademik hanya akan memupuk perasaan iri hati dan dengki di kalangan mereka. Malah, tabiat...
For a child, being compared to a sibling whom his parents see as smarter and doing better is very painful. Instead of...
Gunakan ”Teknik Sandwic” demi kejayaan anda dan keluarga. 1. Doa. 2. Yakin Usaha. 3. Doa.
Use “The Sandwich Approach” when you introduce change to improve yourself and your family. Duaa (Prayer) Determined Effort Duaa (Prayer)
WHEN: Saturday, 6th October 2012. 4PM – 7PM. WHERE: Taman Tasik Ampang. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Here’s the Number One reason for your children to...