English Books

Read An Excerpt: Leadership In Parenting


Book Title:


Real Stories, Examples And Practical Strategies To Enable You To Lead Your Child Better

Authors: Jamilah Samian & Ahmad Fakhri Hamzah

ISBN: 978-967-10430-5-9




Back Cover






Acknowledgements . . . Page VII

Introduction . . . Page VIII

Chapter 1 – Inspirer: Leading Your Child With A Clear Purpose . . . Page 1

Introducing the Hierarchy Of Successful Parenting Leadership Model with five parenting functions: Builder, Provider, Connector, Developer & Inspirer

Chapter 2 – Proactive Purposeful Parenting: In Pursuit Of Excellence . . . Page 31

Understanding your role as Nurturer, Coach, Mentor, Advisor in pursuit of your parenting excellence.

Chapter 3 – Commitment: What It Looks Like . . . Page 67

Taking charge, treating others with respect, positive pride, discipline, consequence management, teaching children how to reason, case studies.

Chapter 4 – Current Concerns: Deal With Them . . . Page 91

Growing your parenting muscle by understanding the environment children live in.

Chapter 5 – Issues And Obstacles: Stuff That Slow You Down . . . Page 113

 What goes on internally and externally affect your ability to lead your child.

Chapter 6 – Catalysts: Bring Them In! . . . Page 137

A happy home, extended family and a postive attitude can earn you the extra mile.

Chapter 7 – Wrap Up: When All Is Said And Done . . . Page 159

Parental guilt, power of intention, gender bias.

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The Hierarchy Of Successful Parenting Leadership Model was conceived during a long train ride when Ahmad and I were reflecting on what we deemed to be the missing big picture for many parents. Having spent years with parents of different backgrounds, it dawned on us that many parents are so caught up with the daily challenges of raising children that they can hardly envisage the long-term purpose of investing a lifetime of resources into raising their offspring.

The idea that parents need to deliberately, consciously and purposefully raise children as future leaders has been shared with parents in a number of cities before it was crystallised in this book. In each city, parents responded warmly to the notion of raising children as future leaders as though a light bulb had been switched on in their minds. This reaction is understandable since for most parents the journey of nurturing children is overwhelming, to say the least; they find it difficult to see beyond the present.

To grow up and become outstanding adults, to contribute thoughts, ideas and become leaders in their respective fields, to become gifts for humanity, to blossom as agents for positive change, children need adults who can lead, guide and inspire them. Leadership In Parenting is about you, the parent, taking up that role, so that you become a more successful parent by applying the Proactive Purposeful Parenting Approach.

Chapter 1 introduces the Hierarchy Of Successful Parenting Leadership Model which identifies five parenting functions: Builder, Provider, Connector, Developer and Inspirer.

Chapter 2 focuses on the idea of how proactive purposeful parenting may pave the way for you to achieve significant strides in your pursuit of parenting excellence.

Chapter 3 outlines the kind of commitment you need to raise your child well e.g. treating people with respect, disciplining your child when necessary, being a positive role model in handling emotions including anger, training your child to reason and to think logically.

Chapter 4 highlights some contemporary challenges which include ensuring basic safety of children through privacy education, addictions like pornography, bullying, and widespread use of profanity.

Chapter 5 presents issues and obstacles that might hamper your parenting success. These could be either internal or external in nature, or a combination of both e.g. feeling constantly anxious or worried, managing blended families, super commuter parenting and common communication mistakes.

Chapter 6 discusses the catalysts: a harmonious home, drawing the line between work and home, and drawing the support of significant others including grandparents and teachers.

Chapter 7 wraps the book up with tips on how not to become an over- controlling or over-indulging parent, as well as the danger of pushing your child too hard.

Ideally the book is best read chapter by chapter.

I sincerely hope that reading this book will help you move forward and overcome your current and future parenting problems, whatever they may be. Have faith that your sweat and tears to raise the next generation will never be in vain.

– Jamilah Samian –

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Parenting With Purpose

Leadership In Parenting presents the idea of raising children with a clear, strong purpose: to raise them as future leaders, based on the Hierarchy Of Successful Parenting Leadership Model. Learn the five levels of parenting function, and the Proactive Purposeful Parenting Approach. Packed with real stories, examples and practical strategies, the book expands your capacity to lead your child better, to become your child’s Inspirer, so they earn their place as future leaders.


– why children are like diamonds in the rough
– peak periods for you to be your child’s Nurturer, Coach, Mentor, Advisor
– how to strike a better work-life balance
– how to grow your child’s love for problem-solving
– ways to develop your child’s creativity, intelligence and productivity
– privacy education
– dealing with lying, bullying, profanity
– what you can do to protect your child against addictions e.g. pornography
– tips for blended families, super commuter parents, divorced parents
– how teachers, grandparents and the extended family can become catalysts for your success


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About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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