Think of all the career choices available to a person today, and you will begin to understand why deciding on a career...
Course Title: PERSUADE WITH POWER Duration: 2 days Course Objectives Gain understanding on the importance of effective communication &...
Growing old does not reside in the good books of many. The thought of seeing wrinkles especially on our face, hands...
[Baca Parenting Toolbox English Version] SKIP PARENTING TOOLBOX VERSI BM © COOL MUM SUPER DAD OBJEKTIF PROGRAM: – Menyediakan pendekatan bersepadu untuk membina keluarga...
Common Parent-Child Communication Mistakes: Towards Good Communication And Leadership 1. STUCK IN THE PAST Give communication with your children a good chance every day....
Dealing With Difficult People: Tips To Practice And Model For Your Children 1. BE ABOVE THE FRAY Stay calm – imagine...
Training Your Child In Anger Management: Tips For Coaching A Hot-Tempered Child – Do not shout, scream or yell at your child...
Striking A Better Work-Life Balance: A Guide For Working Parents DEAL WITH YOUR GUILT COMPLEX – Reflect on why you need...
As a parent, it might seem logical for you to prefer your child to have a burning ambition which would drive him...
A paediatrician who has more than 40 years of experience told me once, “Parents came to me complaining about their 3-...
“I will do it tonight/tomorrow/next week.” It’s the sentence that can drive you the parent crazy. Especially if it has been uttered...
Youth Leadership Workshop: Live Your Dream © Cool Mum Super Dad This program has been successfully conducted partially or in full in Dubai,...
Half-Day Marriage Toolbox Workshop © Cool Mum Super Dad Note: This workshop has successfully been conducted in Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Sheffield, Muscat, Dubai, Doha...
SOALAN: Bagaimana menangani budak 5 tahun yang hiperaktif? Dia pelajar kami sejak tahun lepas. Masalahnya tahun ini dia suka sebut perkataan yang...
For a parent or teacher or caregiver tending to a little child, language is a big deal. Language is the path of...
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“Jamilah, soon writers like you will become obsolete. AI will do all the writings...
A woman says, “I have been married for more than a decade, but my...
To many of us, the word “criticism” is not associated with anything pleasant. We...
No matter where you live, Ramadan can be full of surprises. It can be...
A friend of mine who lived for several years in an European country recounted...