
Power Parent Tip [68]

“I’ve been married to my wife for twenty years. We have a fourteen-year-old daughter. And I still don’t understand women.” So said a man.

Why should he? Does he need to? A man and a woman do not have to understand one another, inside out, one hundred percent, to be happy together. This isn’t part of the terms and conditions of a happy, successful marriage.

Trying to fully understand a different species is futile. Trying to be understanding is worthwhile. Women are different. They have a way of thinking, feeling, behaving that men are not.

Women tend to respond to their emotions in ways men don’t. They like to pour their feelings out to close friends, something men would balk at.

Lots of women cry a bucketful when they are sad. It makes them feel better and that’s OK.

Just because women tend to shed more tears don’t imply they are weak or any less able to confront life’s challenges. It’s just their way of dealing with issues.

Same thing with men. Just because a number of men prefer not to reveal their inner feelings to another soul doesn’t mean they are walking away from their problems.

Respect her when her body language says she needs some space. Then come back and give her a smile and a hug. Sometimes, that’s all she needs to move on.

Stop worrying about the parts that you find puzzling. You didn’t marry her to solve a mystery.

About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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