Power Parent Tip of The Day

Power Parent Tip [82]


[Teach Children To Be Truthful]

Truthfulness is the path to tranquility and happiness. Children must be taught to be truthful even if it means they have to admit their own mistakes. Being truthful means never  to lie or cheat. Tell your children that, the first time they lie or cheat, they will feel very uneasy. They might not even sleep that night! There is a voice inside them that will keep telling them it is not right to lie or cheat. This voice is called “conscience”. But once they have lied or cheated several times, this voice will go away. It will stop reminding them to do what is right. The person with a dead conscience is very far from his Creator and true happiness in life. The way back is to sincerely repent and ask Allah to forgive you.

About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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