
Power Parent Tip of The Day [43]

Photo by BgBlogging on Flickr


So you have been married for some years and feel distant from your spouse? “Distancing” is a normal phase in marriage when children, work, family and other commitments push you away from each other. You have two choices when distancing happens:

1)  DO NOTHING. If you ignore it, you two will eventually fall out of love, your spouse might look for other sources of comfort and your marriage will suffer.

2)   WORK ON YOUR MARRIAGE to rebuild the relationship you once had. Every day, do something to reconnect with your spouse. It could be as simple as having a private and pleasant chat together or taking a walk in the neighbourhood.

About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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