Power Parent Tip of The Day

Power Parent Tip [62]

To raise a happy and successful family, open-mindedness is key. Always strive to improve on the 5Fs : Faith, Fitness, Family, Finance & Fulfilment. When it comes to Finance, let’s be honest. Many of us are not comfortable to talk about money, but everything in life revolves around money. Financial education is not taught in schools; we enter the job market with so little knowledge and skills dealing with money. For example, did you know that the house you live in right now is a liability, not an asset, simply because it’s not bringing in any money for you? So is your car and everything else you’re using. Arm yourself and your family with a good financial education; a crucial step towards financial stability.

About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 551 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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