Leadership In Parenting

How Well Are You Leading Your Child?

A wise man said, “An organisation cannot rise above the quality of its leadership.” A family is a valid organisation by and of itself. As a parent, you cannot help but lead your child all the time. What you do not know can and will hurt you.
Here are ten things you could achieve with more effective leadership in parenting:

No. 1: You see the big picture; you sleep better at night.

No. 2: When things get rough, you know why you need to carry on; you don’t give up easily.

No. 3: You become more confident raising your children.

No. 4: As your parenting goals become clearer, you’re more able to see issues in the right perspective.

No. 5: Your priorities change; the pains you experience are worth it to raise future leaders.

No. 6: You focus on the things that really matter – your children’s education, the happiness of your marriage, the quality of your parent-child relationship.

No. 7: Your conversations and relationship with your spouse and children get better.

No. 8: You’re inspired to do better; your spouse and your child are also inspired by your words and actions.

No. 9:You become less agitated by things that are less important.

No. 10: You look forward to starting a new day every day, even if the day before didn’t turn out the way you wanted.

Ultimately, it makes you feel happier; you look younger.


About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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