[Read this article in Malay] “My 4-year-old grandson is terrified to go to the...
Do you know of a simple way to grow a positive, strong relationship with...
It is unkind, a mistake even, to think that teen boys do not need...
I love writing. I also love coaching others to speak in public. Every time I coach someone to speak, I feel a...
Baca artikel ini dalam Bahasa Inggeris Kisah Anak Disleksia Amir berusia 11 tahun, berfikiran cerdas dan berdaya imaginasi kuat, menghadapi cabaran di...
Read this article in Malay Amir’s Story: Misunderstood and Struggling Amir, an 11-year-old with a quick mind and a vivid imagination, struggled...
Adolescence is a critical stage in life. Think back to your own teenage years. Remember how everything felt so intense? There’s a...
Question: My 10-year-old boy didn’t do his homework. Every time I asked him about it, he ‘d say either “No homework” or...
Baru-baru ini saya terjumpa satu istilah baru: “Fitspiration”, berkait rapat dengan media sosial. “Fitspiration” adalah gabungan perkataan “fit” (cergas/sihat) dan “inspiration”...
The DISC model, developed by psychologist William Marston in the 1920s, is a tool for understanding human behavior. It categorizes behaviors into...
Social entrepreneurship is the practice of starting and running businesses with the primary goal of addressing social issues and making a positive...
Click here to read the English version “Masalah paling besar yang kami hadapi ialah, masing-masing terlalu emosi,” kata Sarah (bukan nama sebenar),...
Click here to read the Malay version “It’s the emotions bit that was a problem for both of us,” said Sarah (not...
Japan-Malaysia Cultural Exchange Program (CEP) 2024 Third Batch Official Organiser: Chiba Islamic Cultural Centre (CICC), Japan Click here to apply as host...
As someone who has deep-dived into entrepreneurship for years, I cannot imagine myself going back to taking orders from someone else. I’m...
Amanah membesarkan anak-anak tentunya sesuatu yang mencabar. Boleh dikatakan setiap ibu bapa akan menelusuri saat-saat yang menguji kesabaran sebagai seorang insan. Lebih...
“Jamilah, soon writers like you will become obsolete. AI will do all the writings that humanity need to digest.” So I was...
It’s Ramadan as I write this, and soon it will be Eid al-Fitr (“Aidil Fitri” or “Hari Raya Puasa” in Malaysia), a...
There are no upcoming events at this time.
“Jamilah, soon writers like you will become obsolete. AI will do all the writings...
A woman says, “I have been married for more than a decade, but my...
To many of us, the word “criticism” is not associated with anything pleasant. We...
No matter where you live, Ramadan can be full of surprises. It can be...
A friend of mine who lived for several years in an European country recounted...