Good food works like magic. It helps the love in your family grow. Families that eat together at least once a day...
Looks, wealth, and money are important when looking for a spouse, but remember that kindness is the number one factor to...
Ramai orang mementingkan rupa paras, kekayaan dan wang bila mencari pasangan hidup. Sedangkan ketulusan hati budi, sifat suka bertolak-ansur serta mudah...
Jika anda idamkan keluarga bahagia dan berjaya, fokus usaha anda kepada “Lima K” seperti berikut: 1) Ketawhidan; 2) Keluarga; 3) Kesihatan; 4) Kewangan; dan 5) Kerjaya.
Happy and successful families focus on the Five F’s: 1) Faith; 2) Family; 3) Fitness; 4) Finance; and 5) Fulfilment (Career). Everyday, check if...
Good words and actions are like fertilizers; they make everyone in your family happier and more successful. Bad words and actions...
Kata-kata dan perbuatan elok anda seperti baja; ia membuat setiap ahli keluarga bahagia dan berjaya. Kata-kata dan perbuatan buruk anda laksana...
The real value of Ramadhan is to strengthen your relationship with Allah and humankind. You can’t achieve this if you focus...
Tempoh remaja membuka ruang dan peluang baru untuk anak remaja anda berubah menjadi lebih baik. Ini kerana, otak manusia mengalami perubahan...
Adolescence is a turning point for both boys and girls. Adolescence is a time when difficult boys and girls can turn...