Mudahkan anak anda berjimat dan kurang berbelanja. Beri wang dalam bentuk yang senang disimpan. Umpamanya, jika memberi RM10, beri dia 10 keping...
Help your children to save more and spend less. Give them money in a form that encourages them to save. For...
Pengambilan gula terlalu tinggi mengakibatkan anak-anak mengalami diabetes pada usia muda. Menurut pakar perubatan, berdasarkan perkembangan masakini ”separuh dari kanak-kanak di...
Health is wealth. Too much sugary foods isn’t good for your kids. Medical experts predict that, at the present rate, “half...
With sky-rocketing costs of living especially in key cities like Kuala Lumpur, money becomes a real issue. Money may not be...
Kos kehidupan yang mendadak naik terutama di kotaraya seperti Kuala Lumpurbermakna kita wajib mendidik anak-anak tentang wang. Wang bukan segala-galannya, namun...
Spesies paling terancam di dunia hari ini mempunyai ahli-ahli yang pintar bergelar “insan”. Spesies paling terancam di dunia hari ini dikenali...
25 June 2012 By BRIGITTE ROZARIO Parents and adolescents sometimes find themselves in conflict when communicating. It could result in the child...
13 March 2012 Facilitator Charis Patrick (second from left) with panellists (from left) Elaine Yong, Jamilah Samian and Ahmad Fakhri Hamzah. By...
10 August 2009 Review by BRIGITTE ROZARIO COOL BOYS SUPER SONS By Jamilah Samian Publisher: Truewealth This book is for parents...
Evaluation Summary for Half-Day Workshop @ Sekolah Islam ADNI, Ampang TOPIC: “UNDERSTANDING & MOTIVATING GENERATION Z” Date: 8th September 2012...
The most endangered species in the world today has the smartest creatures on earth as members known as “humans”. The most...
Sajian yang enak merapatkan silatulrahim seisi keluarga. Keluarga yang meluangkan masa makan bersama sekurang-kurangnya sekali sehari terbukti lebih bahagia dan berjaya....
Good food works like magic. It helps the love in your family grow. Families that eat together at least once a day...
Looks, wealth, and money are important when looking for a spouse, but remember that kindness is the number one factor to...
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“Jamilah, soon writers like you will become obsolete. AI will do all the writings...
A woman says, “I have been married for more than a decade, but my...
To many of us, the word “criticism” is not associated with anything pleasant. We...
No matter where you live, Ramadan can be full of surprises. It can be...
A friend of mine who lived for several years in an European country recounted...