Questions & Answers

[Question & Answer][Why “Cool” not “Super”?]


Dear Jamilah, why do you use the term “Cool Mum”, not “Super Mum” for your book and blog? ~ June ~


Dear June, The term “Super Mum” is often used to refer to mothers who are good at juggling things. Super mums work, raise a family, contribute to society and do hundreds other things. Or, they are supposed to!

The concept of being a “Cool Mum” is quite different. “Cool Mum” refers to the kind of mother who is good at establishing rapport and trust with her children. Her focus is on relationship. She’s pretty good at juggling things, too! But she knows that without a solid relationship, it’s doubly hard to become the best parent she can be. Having a wonderful relationship doesn’t mean she’s a doormat to her husband / kids. On the contrary, she is firm and fair when she needs to. She’s clear on who she is, has a clear vision for her personal / family life and is a role model for her children. By extension, a father who is also firm and fair, yet is able to develop a positive, warm relationship with his kids, is called a “Super Dad”.

About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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