Months ago, a medical student from a prominent family in my country committed suicide from depression. He was deeply in love with...
On a recent Saturday morning, Ahmad Fakhri and I spoke to top scholars of Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng on the...
Judging people by race or skin colour has never been fair and never will be. Kids don’t do that. We teach them...
Boys and girls undergo critical changes in their teens. These changes go beyond the obvious voice change and growth spurts. The teen...
As a student in America years ago, I met and made friends with a number of Muslims from countries across the world....
One reason why boys find learning in school unappealing is the way it is presented. What they see and hear is words,...
To stimulate your children’s intellectual development, invite intelligent people to your home. The late Benjamin Franklin (world renowned scientist and inventor) used...
When it comes to babies, “breast is best”. Granted, there are cases where mothers genuinely cannot breastfeed their babies, for example, due...
A day in a parent’s life is hardly ever perfect. Despite your best efforts, despite the hours and energy you spent, things...
If your son isn’t the type who likes to open up, look for opportunities to create a warm feeling between you and...