Soalan: Dalam kelas saya ada 19 org pelajar purata usia 5 tahun. Ada seorang pelajar sangat suka mengacau pelajar lain – cubit,...
A day in a parent’s life is hardly ever perfect. Despite your best efforts, despite the hours and energy you spent, things...
It is a mistake to think that teen boys do not need their mothers. Mothers play a profound role in the lives...
If you ever found your child scrawling squiggly lines along the margins of his books, you might want to give him a...
Setiap tahun, dunia meraikan Hari Ibu dengan manisan, jambangan dan ucapan, tidak kiralah jika sebahagian besarnya cuma dirakam di media sosial. Saya teringat...
Question: What is meant by the term “genius”? How do we raise children who are remarkably intelligent? Answer: A genius, says a...
Interview with BRIGITTE ROZARIO, ParenThots StarOnline The way we communicate with our children today is a lot different from how our...
Di dalam sesebuah program, perkongsian ibu bapa yang jujur dan tepat pada masanya adakala dapat membantu ibu bapa lain yang sedang berhadapan...
Children are born to love. Watch a baby clinging to his mother. Watch him gazing at her every line and wrinkle as she...
Perhaps, like me, you too have heard someone say, “I don’t regret anything in life. It’s because of everything I have been...
Sharyn Bajerai Sharyn Bajerai has been concocting delightful stories for two decades, winning awards along the way. Still, the modest grandmother of...
“I fear teachers,” says a parent. “They might think I’m there to create a fuss, if ever I set foot within the...
The world celebrated Mother’s Day with lots of flowers, cakes and wishes – never mind if a great many were sent via...
A young mother wrote: I work to support my parents and younger siblings. Every day I feel unhappy to leave my little...
Some days ago, a few multinational organisations made headlines when they announced that thousands of their staff will be laid off worldwide,...
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“Jamilah, soon writers like you will become obsolete. AI will do all the writings...
A woman says, “I have been married for more than a decade, but my...
To many of us, the word “criticism” is not associated with anything pleasant. We...
No matter where you live, Ramadan can be full of surprises. It can be...
A friend of mine who lived for several years in an European country recounted...