Title: Cool Boys Super Sons Author: Jamilah Samian ISBN Number: 978-983-3364-79-4 Sneaking out when they shouldn’t. Breaking promises. Failing exams. Not measuring...
Title: Ibu Kool Bapa Hebat Author: Jamilah Samian Nombor ISBN: 978-983-3364-30-5 Bagi kebanyakan ibu bapa, sebaik saja anak mereka dilahirkan, satu soalan...
Title: Cool Mum Super Dad Author: Jamilah Samian ISBN Number: 983-3364-16-0 For many parents, the moment a child is born, a question...
SKIP SKIP Ahmad Fakhri is a certified professional trainer on various Diversity and Inclusiveness programs covering themes that include Parenting, Fatherhood,...
Read How I Became An Author Jamilah Samian is the author of “RAISE ME RIGHT”, “THE KINDNESS MIRACLE”, “COOL MUM SUPER DAD”,...
Trust is earned, not given. If your child broke the trust given to him, create new opportunities for him to earn your...
Courageous children have parents who raised them to believe in themselves. ~ Jamilah Samian
Every child has a unique temperament ~ his way of responding to the world. Just because a child is not as active...
The average parent tells his kids what to do. The smart parent inspires his kids with his words and actions. ~ Jamilah...
The best asset your child has is his mind. The best lesson you can give is to teach him how to...
The best gift you can give your child is to raise him to BELIEVE IN HIMSELF. Every child, by nature, yearns...
If your child is demanding a lot of things and seem to be ungrateful for what he has, teach him to...
Every day, remind your child of two secrets of happiness: SINCERITY and trying their best to be OUTSTANDING. Without SINCERITY, his...
Why would you and I expect perfection from our children when we ourselves can’t get by a single day without making mistakes? ~...
by Jamilah Samian QUESTION: Assalamualaikum Pn Jamilah. Is ”home schooling” good for children? Has it been done in Malaysia? Is homechooling...
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“Jamilah, soon writers like you will become obsolete. AI will do all the writings...
A woman says, “I have been married for more than a decade, but my...
To many of us, the word “criticism” is not associated with anything pleasant. We...
No matter where you live, Ramadan can be full of surprises. It can be...
A friend of mine who lived for several years in an European country recounted...