Power Parent Tip of The Day

Soar To Excellence

Children will more likely soar to excellence if they are exposed to people of different races and ethnicities. Simply because people of different backgrounds bring with them different ideas. My husband, Ahmad Fakhri and I regularly bring our 17-year-old son to Toastmasters meetings, so he could see firsthand, how people from different ethnicities can work together to improve themselves.

At the end of our Toastmasters meeting yesterday, a guest stood up. “I see a nest,” he said. “I see sparrows, robins, doves and mynas. I see them all in a chorus of voices.” We had two Korean, one Swiss, one Indonesian, and three British guests. We had Malays, Chinese and Indians, plus other Malaysians.

We have a world where people attempt to create dislike and discrimination among those of different beliefs, creed and colour. Let us play a more proactive role to show to our children that it is possible to live together in peace, without fear or favour, no matter where you come from.

P/S. The “Best Evaluator” award was a surprise. I didn’t expect to beat the more experienced evaluators. Alhamdulillah.



Seventeen-year-old Sirajuddin presenting a Table Topic.


Voted “Best Evaluator” for today’s Toastmasters meeting.


“Best Evaluator” ribbon.


About Jamilah Samian

Jamilah has written 550 articles.

Jamilah Samian is an author and speaker.

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