[Baca artikel ini dalam Bahasa Inggeris] Tahukah anda, anak-anak berasa paling gembira apabila mereka melihat ibu dan ayah bersembang, bergurau,...
[Read this article in Malay] Did you know that children feel happiest when they see mom and dad talking, bantering, smiling...
This post is about marriage but if you’re single, please do read till the end, because the points here apply in other...
[Read this article in Malay] “My 4-year-old grandson is terrified to go to the mosque,” my neighbour said. “What happened?” I asked....
Note: This was a speech presented by Jamilah Samian during the EDUPRO session at MIMKL Toastmasters Club 4th February 2023. Watch the...
STRESS. Short word, big impact. Especially among parents. For working parents, stress means juggling deadlines from demanding bosses, handling tasks that keep...
Have you ever heard of a car running on empty? Of course not. It’s impossible for a vehicle to go any further...
“We are individuals, but accomplish more together. Remember: marriage is not a contest. God has put the two of you together...
NOTE: This session may be held in English or Malay. [Program ini boleh dijalankan dalam Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu mengikut...
Our “Communicate With Confidence” workshop is HRDC Claimable. Ca Course Title: COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE Duration: 4 hours Course Content:...
A woman says, “I have been married for more than a decade, but my spouse rarely brought me out. I’m so envious...
In primary school, I didn’t have to put in much effort to do well in class. Then came secondary school and things...
To many of us, the word “criticism” is not associated with anything pleasant. We appreciate words of encouragement, we love to hear...
Do you know of a simple way to grow a positive, strong relationship with practically anyone – your parent, sibling, spouse or...
There are no upcoming events at this time.
“Jamilah, soon writers like you will become obsolete. AI will do all the writings...
A woman says, “I have been married for more than a decade, but my...
To many of us, the word “criticism” is not associated with anything pleasant. We...
No matter where you live, Ramadan can be full of surprises. It can be...
A friend of mine who lived for several years in an European country recounted...